Avenue des Arts, 20 1000 Bruxelles
The deal remains CONFIDENTIAL – A press release is only expected when the Confederation will move from Lombard to Arts 20.
The Client:
-“Confederation Nationale de la construction”
-“Caisse nationale patronale pour les congés payés dans l'industrie du bâtiment et des travaux publics”
-“Office patronal d'organisation et de controle des régimes de sécurité d'existence”.
The building has been purchased from Blue Colibri for own occupation and will become the new headquarter of “Nationale Confederatie van het Bouwbedrijf”.
Key points :
- +- 7.087 m2
- +- 30 M €
- Share deal
- CBD location
BuyerSide assisted their clients from the sourcing until the final closing